Live Blog: Siem Reap, Cambodia

I will be traveling to Siem Reap, Cambodia today, and I will be doing another live blog where you can follow my adventures around the ancient city. Siem Reap was the seat of the Khmer Kingdom in the ninth to 15th century. This is my first time to visit Cambodia. (Posts are reverse chronology).

Boarding now. ជួប គ្នា ទៀត (joo-up k’neer dee-ut), Cambodia.

7:30pm Siem Reap International Airport
The trip is getting to a close now but I think I arrived too early at the airport. The check in counters will open an hour from now so I will just hang out in a cafe outside and pass the time.

5:15 pm
Back at the hostel. I checked out already but my flight is not until later tonight so I will just hang out here. There's free wifi and the food is cheap.

On the way back to the hostel I dropped by the post office to mail a couple of postcards.

4:30 pm
I may have spent more than I have budgeted at the duty free shop.

2:30 Angkor National Museum
I decided to go to a museum - and the nearest to me is the Angkor National Museum at Charles de Gaulle Avenue. It is also perfect as beside it is the duty free shop - since I also needed to buy from gifts.

Feb 7, 1:00pm
I woke up late, having no set itinerary for today. I ate lunch at the hostel then went out to explore the city.

Feb 6, 9:30pm
After dinner I just hang out at the hostel's roofdeck. It has a nice pool and great view of the city. I went to sleep around midnight

Feb 6, 730pm Bug Cafe
After returning to the hostel and getting a shower i went out to look for food. I did something that seems to be a great idea - eat at Bug Cafe in Old Night Market Street!

Feb 6, 9:30am-5pm
Visited the temples of Siem Reap, including Angkor Wat

Feb 6, 9:20am
After breakfast at the hostel I am meeting my remork driver who's taking me to the temples!

I finally found a place to eat, and by then I just had my first meal in Cambodia - curried prawn stirfry and rice, downed with a bottle of Angkor beer. After eating I went to a supermarket to buy some water, then went back to the hostel. My next update will be tomorrow morning

I went around the night market to find some grub. On the way there I got accosted by aggressive transvestite touts selling massages. They only backed off after a series of "No's".

I checked in my hostel without a hitch. Onederz Hostel is located near the night market and Pub Street, which is convenient. The hostel was nice - modern and spacious. It even has a pool on the roofdeck.

We landed in Siem Reap airport around 9:45pm local time. The flight was very uncomfortable; we were flying over turbulence more than half the time. I dont get motion sickness but I felt dizzy for a second. I felt a sigh of relief when we finally touched down.

Soon after clearing immigration I went to change some money. I then got a ride to the hostel - their version of tuktuk called remork.

Boarding now for Siem Reap

I am now done with immigration and is just passing the time in the Skyview Lounge in T3.

February 5, 2017, 1:26 pm

I am now packing for the trip. It's a short trip so I will just be bringing a knapsack. I think I have more gear than clothes with me. The flight is still in the evening so I have plenty of time. One more episode of Black Sails in Netflix, perhaps?


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