Museum of Flight

One of the highlights of my weekend visit to Seattle is a swing to the Museum of Flight, my first aviation museum since the Intrepid Museum in New York (not counting the California Science Center , which although has aircraft on display, is not a pure aviation museum). The museum is located in Tukwila, Washington, just outside Seattle, and a few minutes drive from the city. My kumpare and my god-daughter accompanied me there. The Museum of Flight is the largest private air and space museum in the world. It was established in 1965, and is located in a piece of land just adjacent to the Boeing Field, an airport. The F-14 and the A-6 Intruder outside the museum The weather was already showing its typical Seattle character, threatening a deluge with gray-colored clouds just when we arrived in the museum. After finding a parking spot, we proceeded inside, lining up for our tickets. I was literally giddy, trying to contain my excitement and anticipation. ...