Chocolate Hills, Bohol

I know two versions of how the Chocolate Hills came to be. The first one, something retold to every Filipino schoolchildren during grade school, involves fighting giants throwing mud at each other (good thing they weren't fighting using handbags), and the mounds of mud left behind from the fracas became the hills. The other, not as fantastic as the first but way more plausible, was explained by my Geology 11 professor in UP. In this version, limestone that rose up from the ocean was sculpted by the drip-dripping of rainwater over a geological timescale into the shapes that we see today. I'd pick the first one if you asked me which version I liked better. But magical origins or not, these hills became a must-see attraction in their own right. Panorama of the Chocolate Hills In fact, the Chocolate Hills are perhaps the most iconic of all the attractions in Bohol, rivaled only by the cutesy face of a tarsier. The geological formation, located at the town of Carm...