Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago

Being in the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago is like stumbling inside Hangar 51 in Indiana Jones - the secret warehouse where they store all the artifacts. The comparison is apt too, as the museum has 21 million specimen in its collection, probably even greater than its fictional equivalent. As I was flying in to Chicago I still was not sure which museums to go when I land. I was deciding between the Museum of Industry and Field Museum, and I was glad that I chose the latter. It is motherlode for a geek like me who dreamt of being somebody like Indiana Jones when I was a kid. The facade of the Field Museum The museum has everything that can be possibly dug up from the ground, and grouped in 4 curatorial departments: zoology, anthropology, botany and geology. I plan to blog about the individual sections after this overview of the museum. See how the size of a Triceratops compare to humans These exhibits encompass everything from d...